Proof of Bernoulli's Theorem or Bernoulli's Principle ; Mechanical Properties Of Liquid - Physics

Bernoulli's Theorem Or Principle

Bernoulli's theorem states that total energy of a small amount of a liquid from one point to another along a streamline flow remains constant throughout the displacement.


Total energy of a fluid flow is a constant.

ie   Kinetic Energy+Potential energy+Pressure Energy = a constant

m+ mgh += a constant

If unit mass is considered ( 1 kg), we get the above equations as

   +gh+ = a constant    ; this is Bernoulli's equation

If divided throughout the above equation by g (acceleration due to gravity), we get
++ h = a constant

Bernoulli's theorem may also be stated as the sum of pressure head, velocity head and gravitational head is a constant.

Proof for Bernoulli's Theorem
 Consider the streamline flow of liquid of density , through a tube of non-uniform cross section.Consider two positions A and B of tube.A is at the height of h1 from the ground level and B is at the height of h2 from the ground the area of cross section of A and  is the area of cross section at B. Let  is the pressure at A and  is the pressure at B.Let  is the velocity at A and  is the velocity with which the liquid leaving through the tube through B.

Here we applying the Work-Energy theorem.
         ie.           net work done = change in energy
is the work done at section A in time  and the fluid has displacement  through the section A.
Then  = 
 is the work done at section B .
                Then = 
Net work done on the system = = -
= - 
According to equation of continuity
Multiplying with 
This is the volume of fluid flowing through the section A and B in time 

As the fluid is flowing from section A to B, there is change in Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
       Change in Potential Energy = 
       Change in Kinetic Energy    = 
Total change in energy  = +          
According to work energy theorem
( = - ) + 
Using volume = , substituting v = 

 = (-) + (
m is cancelled and the equation become
          = (- 
-            =( -  () + (
Rearranging the above  equation gives
=  + + 
ie       +   = a constant
This is Bernoulli's equation

Special Case

When a fluid flowing through horizontal pipe then 
Then  above equation became
  +  =  + 
+  = a constant
This is the relation between pressure and velocity.
  ie as pressure increases velocity decreases and velocity increases pressure decreases .